Home Sermons Day 22

Day 22

02 May

Day 22


Text:Deut 7:14

To be barren means to be unproductive, lack of vitality, to occupy space without fulfilment.
Barreness is the absence of blessings.

Causes of Barreness
1)Wickedness of men: PS 107:33-34
2)Man enforcing.

Prayer points
1)Every root of Barreness, form of Barreness in my lineage, I destroy you, be destroyed by fire. I curse the spirit of Barreness in my life, I curse you to wither.
2)In The name of Jesus Christ, I receive the spirit of fertilization, I decree and I declare there shall be nothing barren in my life. There shall be all round fruitfulness in my life and family.
3)Father bless me and make me ever fruitful in life.
4)My lineage shall never be barren, every curse of Barreness in my life, be destroyed.

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