Text: Matthew 10:36, Genesis 4:1-9, Genesis 37:18
Household enemies can be powers within. They can be extended or immediate family. It can be from your neighbor, kindred, they can come from your family, can be your friends.
Facts about household enemies.
- They laugh with you but they are enemies.
- The outside enemy succeed because they are an household enemy inside giving information about you.
- They are monitoring spirits.
- They are difficult to handle.
- They are betrayers.
- They don’t have mercy in their hearts.
If you want to run away from household enemy keep your mouth shut. household enemy can go any extent just to be sure they bring you down.
How Household enemies operate. - They use familiar spirits and invoke ancestral spirit against people.
- They distribute evil loads such as sickness, shame, disgrace, poverty, etc.
you can never identify them unless you have a designment spirit.
Your success is a pain to household enemy
Prayer points - Oh lord my father every trap that household enemy has set from me, they will fall into their trap.
- Oh lord my father every household enemy using my picture against me to attack me wherever you are die by fire.
- Oh lord my father any evil altar, temple, coven, shrine, four corner junction where they are using my picture against me to trouble me catch fire.
- oh lord my father every household enemy against my life catch fire.
- oh lord my father I paralyzed all evil legs and hands walking about for my sake.
- Oh lord my father every problem that entered my life through the blood of my parents die by fire.
- Oh lord my father every household enemy troubling my life my family die by fire.
- Oh lord my father household enemy carry your evil load.
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